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Applied Physics and Mathematics

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Developed physical and mathematical models and presented results of theoretical investigation of the interaction between the radiosondes and their primary transducers (sensors) with
the environment. Identifi es sources of measurement errors the temperature and humidity at the radiosonde and the estimation of their infl uence on the accuracy of retrieving the
vertical profi les of temperature and atmospheric humidity. Metrological analysis of the measuring processes were used to
identify and normalize the basic metrological characteristics radiosondes. Defi ned systematic, random and total error
of measurement of temperature and humidity sounding of the atmosphere. Developed, researched and passed metrological certifi cation of special laboratory equipment
and precision fl ight instruments for the study of metrological characteristics and measurement errors of the atmospheric parameters. Balloon fl ight carried out unique experiments
in which managed simultaneously to raise to a height of 30 km and a precision low-inertia electronic devices that measure the humidity and temperature of the atmosphere, along with the serial radiosondes. The obtained experimental results allowed to confi rm the theoretical estimates of the magnitudes of measurement errors the temperature and
humidity at the radiosonde. The introduction of the MX control in the company-the manufacturer of radiosondes and upper-air network provides guaranteed reliability of measurements in the atmosphere radiosonde aerological network of Roshydromet and other CIS countries. Domestic
radiosounding system is the only system that works with the radiosonde, which passed the state metrological certifi cation as a means of measurement.
Keywords: Sounding, metrological characteristics, measurement error, measurement accuracy when sounding, metrological
certifi cation, measurement.

Contacts: E-mail: markfr.36@mail.ru, E-mail: meteoru@yandex.ru

Pp. 50-66.


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