Applied Physics and Mathematics
Stages of the review and publication1. Each paper submitted for publication is assigned an individual number.
2. The editor decides whether the paper is relevant to the scope of the journal. If not, the paper is rejected, the corresponding author is informed of the editor`s decision. Rejected papers are not returned to the author(s).
3. The paper is sent for review to an acknowledged expert in the related field.
4. After receiving comments and suggestions from the reviewer, the editor may ask the author(s) to revise the paper based on the reviewers' suggestions. If the review is negative, the paper is sent to another reviewer. If the second review is also negative, the paper is rejected.
5. Science editing.
6. Language editing.
7. Proofreading of the paper.
8. Typesetting.
After all these steps, the paper is included in the list of papers awaiting publication and will be published in turn.