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Applied Physics and Mathematics Annotation << Back
In his article a new defi nition of information in the form of
axioms. Formulated and proved a theorem on the recognition
processes and information systems may not recognize. Are
also defi ned for the concepts of «action», «inaction», «eff ect»,
«impact», «interaction», «resistance». These concepts are
presented in mathematical and graphical forms for diff erent
options in setting targets. Schematically shows the relationship
of basic concepts introduced into a single architecture model
generation value of information processes. The relationship
between the concepts of the proposed structure of information
processes in order to assess the importance and relevance of
the information. Thus, this article provides the theoretical
background for the mathematical description of the concept of
action , infl uence and impact and provides a methodology for
describing the interaction parameters of information processes
.Also an example to describe the interaction of information
security systems and systems impact on protected information
using the proposed theoretical foundations.
Keywords: information, information processes, action, inaction,
infl uence, impact, interaction, opposition, security system, the
system impact on the protected information.
Contacts: E-mail: lavlinsk@rambler.ru
Pp. 49-61. |
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