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Applied Physics and Mathematics Annotation << Back
An aim of the present work is fi nd out can an uncharged and non-magnetized moving body produce suffi cient magnetic fi eld or not. There exist opinions accordingly which a conductor uncharged in the own reference frame behaves as charged one in the frame relative which the conductor moves. A reason is
non-linearity of the Lorentz transformations of velocity. The known estimations predict appearance of very strong magnetic fi eld. Calculations out of doubtful ideas on velocity and direction distributions of electrons in a conductor demonstrate analogous results. It provoked the experimental investigation
of the phenomenon. In order to register very weak eff ect it is useful to carry measurements out in a regime of alternative magnetic fi eld which should appear near to a rotating nonsymmetric neutral body. An example of the non-symmetric body is a part of a disk rotating with angular velocity of 300 rad/s. It is fi nd out that a half of the aluminum disk produces
the magnetic fi eld inductance about 10–7 T at minimal distance from the border of disk.
Keywords: alternative current, relativistic summation of velocities, uncharged body, magnetic fi eld.
Contacts: E-mail: gsim1953@mail.ru
Pp. 13-18. |
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